2011年11月26日 星期六

「這些年,我這個醫委會委員 ……」

Readers must have come across many (and in fact too many) reports and comments on the “coming soon” applications by the Hospital Authority for limited registration for some “overseas doctors without full registration” to fill some service resident positions.  However, readers must remember the fact that there has not yet been any application received by the Medical Council on this subject matter.  As a member of the Medical Council, I have the duty to decide on whether allowing applications for limited registration according to the provisions in the Medical Registration Ordinance (MRO).  I have to judge carefully and clearly whether the details described in the application forms are true and whether the candidates fulfill the requirements spelt out in the MRO.

However, before the applications reach me, the applications seem to be discussed openly.  Apart from reasoning and logical arguments, there have been comments, criticisms, and even threats to the Medical Council.  Alarmingly, some of these comments, criticisms and threats came from the applicant!  More alarmingly, some of these comments, criticisms and threats came from high-ranked government officials!  I considered all these undesirable.  I waited and waited for any action or announcement from the Medical Council or some judicial bodies to call a halt to all these undue influences.  There seemed to be none.  I therefore analyzed the situation: I must realize that I was facing certain pressure and influences.  It was only upon realization of such pressure that I could assess its effect on my judgment.  After careful consideration, I reassured myself that I was still perfectly OK.  And then I wrote the following, and read it aloud to the Chief Executive and some officials of the Hospital Authority in a meeting:




  1. 我是醫委會委員,對海外醫生循「有限度註冊」途徑來港執業持開放態度。而且,審批這些申請根本是每個月的例行工作之一。
  2. 我並不是「聯席香港醫療水平關注組」成員。
  3. 根據醫管局對外言論,局方並不是要求重新立法,亦不是提出特別情況作任何特別處理的要求。而是準備以現存法例,主要是 「醫生註冊條例」中第十四條條文,為準備僱用的海外醫生申請「有限度註冊」。
  4. 正因為是按現存法例,循正常途徑申請,醫委會便是唯一法定組織,有權力亦有責任,根據法例條文,審理申請個案的細節,決定通過與否。
  5. 醫管局根本未有作任何申請,但卻就事件展開宣傳攻勢,而且愈演愈烈,發展至有聲音指示醫委會應該怎樣處理這些還未作出的申請,亦有指責醫生及醫委會的言論,甚至是威嚇要廢除法例賦予醫委會的權力與功能。 
  6. 作為醫委會委員,面對這些言論,我感受到頗大壓力。而我亦意會到,這是一個頗嚴重的情況。因為審批申請並不簡單,須要不受任何影響下,根據法例中細節,判決申請機構、部門、海外醫生履歷、條件、僱用合約等等,是否符合法例要求。
  7. 法定組織能在不受影響下依法處理申請很重要。例如之前有官員以個人名片代替填寫申請外傭入境申請表,便引起公眾嘩然。近日律政司司長亦叫停外界就外傭申請居港權官司的評論,以免影響法庭判定的獨立性。
  8. 我仔細感受這些壓力,我仔細了解,仔細分析,清楚知道我在這些壓力下,仍然可以不偏不倚,按法例去審批每一項申請。這可能和我是私人執業及曾受法律學士及碩士訓練有關。
  9. 不過我不知道,亦不能評估其他委員有否感受到壓力,知否自己正在壓力影響中,及會否受壓力的影響。 

以上是我的獨白,我相信是我的責任向大家說明。雖然,引用<這些年,我們一起追的女孩> 語錄:「人生有很多事本來就是徒勞無功的。」~~ 沈佳宜

「左手申請只是輔助,因為右手要搞宣傳。」(「櫻木花道說的好,左手只是輔助,因為右手要拿滑鼠。」~~ 柯景騰在電影中『打手槍』時的對白。)

(Source: HKMA News November 2011)

